Redemption House has allowed me to rekindle my relationship with our Savior Jesus. Also being here has helped me identify some character defects that needed to be changed. Self-worth was one of those defects. God has been refining me, showing me, I am loved, chosen, wanted and most of all His, a child of God. So, thank you for all your prayers and support.

911 Got A Call About A Man
Acting Suspiciously On A Bridge...

"I was on that bridge and I wanted to jump so badly. I would sit on the edge of this bridge and slowly try to push myself over the edge... I was so deep in my addiction that I thought death was the only way out... I was so close to falling. I was an IV meth user, I was hep c positive, and I hadn't seen my kids in years. I had been homeless and living on the streets and in shelters... I was actually living in a group home at the time and if not for a woman named Laura and her allowing me to stay at the group home, I would have been on the streets. She did so much for me and I am truly grateful for her. Laura if you read this THANK YOU... I am happy and thankful I didn't end my life that day... those are some pics of me in the mental ward of the hospital... I am 2 years sober and I'm actually babysitting my sister's kids right now... feels amazing to have my life back, hep c is cured, my mental health is so much better, and to have the trust of my family to babysit.
I have a friend who is going to rehab tomorrow so I made this post to show him. Hey brother you can do this. You can change your life, you're never too far gone for God to do a miracle in your life brother... it's gonna be tough, I was coming off 7 years meth bro it takes time but if you are willing to put in the work, your life will change... Love you brother hope you read this before you go... know you're in my prayers... 1 thing that helped me was putting my faith in God. Reading the Bible and learning that he loved me and forgave me. Not only did he love me and forgive me but he forgot about everything I ever did wrong in my past. He wanted to heal me and restore everything that the drugs stole. I love Jesus brother and I pray he does to you what he did to me... I owe everything about my recovery to God and his saving grace..."

I am so very grateful. For being a resident at Redemption House. They were all so very supportive of my healing journey. Always so patient, kind and loving.
My journey with the lord has grown deeply, and my understanding of the bible has improved greatly. My heart is full of gratefulness towards God and my experience living at Redemption House.
Thank you so much.
When I came to redemption house I was depressed and hopeless struggling to envision a better future. During my time there I learned so many valuable skills and have found hope and realized that I am here by the grace of God and I have a purpose and with his help, I can do all things.
I have not met many people who care as much as the staff at redemption house, and I am eternally grateful for their patience, guidance, and help in my journey to sobriety. I now have just under 6 months sober, and I am excited to continue this path. Thank you for everything you've shown me I will continue growing and maturing by the grace of God.