RHOR Memorial Wall
If you would like to add your loved one to our Memorial Wall, please provide us with their information to be considered.
Cassandra Knight-Emery
01/29/1993 – 05/01/2023
I hope you're dancing in the sky. I hope you are singing in the angels' choir... Love, your wife xoxo.
Eli Allard
10/09/1994 – 11/20/2020
John 10:27-29 God has you in His arms, we have you in our hearts.
Cash Cormier
10/26/1992 – 02/24/2019
Phillip Cowan
06/29/1978 – 06/29/2022
Keith Hume
11/14/1980 – 04/21/2018
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Raymond Lively
10/20/1978 – 06/20/2022
Isaiah Allard
09/27/1997 – 09/13/2022
Romans 8:38-39 Forever in our hearts.
Darcy Doherty
07/02/1953 – 01/16/2023
Elysia Grace Kolynko-Sawdon
08/18/1989 – 06/10/2021
Jesus saw you struggling and took your pain away. Rest in his arms of love my sweet girl, you are free.
Randy Rector
03/20/1954 – 03/22/1992
Though the time we had didn't seem enough you're missed every day and your spirit lives within us.
Ezekiel Hernandez
02/26/2004 – 08/24/2023
Lord, we trust you and we know Ezekiel is in your loving arms now. We will praise you in the Storm.
Kevin "Hendi" Henderson
06/01/1988 – 06/20/2023
Missed by many yet never forgotten.
Raven-Lee Colucci
06/30/1983 – 12/16/2020
Fly blackbird, fly into the arms
of Our Lord.
William Wright
12/31/1985 – 10/22/2020
Naomi Rachel
12/11/1994 – 10/01/2022